Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Getting to know your BOE candidates

I thought I was original in saying people get the government they deserve. Then I googled and found some famous people quotes (although I never heard of Joseph de Maistre before.)

"The government you elect is the government you deserve." Thomas Jefferson*

"Every nation gets the government it deserves." Joseph de Maistre

I think what this means is each citizen has the responsibility to research the candidates for themselves, and make a proactive decision on which candidate(s) would serve in the best interest of the community.

What do lawn signs tell you? Name and position sought, that's it. What do organizational endorsements tell you? Maybe that the organization believes the candidate will be favorable to their position. I chose to not participate in either.

I encourage voters to do their due diligence - google the candidates and see what information they have shared about their campaigns. Reach out. Ask questions.

I do my homework, ask the hard questions and always strive to do the right thing by our students, staff and our district. I ask Hillsborough and Millstone residents for their vote on/before Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Thank you.

* Acknowledged that I could not find the original source of this quote.

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